The Activities of The Church



As we enter the cooler months, the thought of the holidays is just around the corner. With it, comes celebrations of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Some see Christmas as an excuse to go to worship. Not having been there since Easter, they know it’s almost time to go again.

Prior to that, churches are organizing activities to encourage more people to attend instead of waiting for Christmas. But are those activities found in scripture?


Fall Festivals?

Although the temperatures in the Midwest and Eastern Coast are considerably cooler, here in the desert, the temperature dips to under 100 and we rejoice. It allows “churches” to, once again, drag their festival-like stalls out of mothballs to sell donuts, ciders, candies, and all things Autumn. There are usually carnival games, rides, and of course (for Halloween) Trunk-or-Treat events.

All of this is done as people consider the “church” to be a safe haven compared to the “evils” of the world. The excuse is used to get to know your fellow “Christian” in a more relaxed atmosphere instead of the “stuffiness” of a Sunday service.

I’m sure, by now, that you’ve noticed the number of words that I’ve put in quotes. And this is intention as they are words that are exploited by the denomination organizations out there. As far as the evils of the world, they would just say that to keep you from going door-to-door on Halloween for treats or to someone’s farm for a hayride and Fall events.


Where is it Written?

In Matthew 4, when Jesus was tempted by the devil, he always responded by saying, first, “It is written…” (vs. 4, 6, 10). If you ask any one of these denominational people, where is it written in scripture to do these events, they won’t have an answer. And it is because it’s not there, and they don’t think to look there for permission anyway!

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:17, And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. The “whatever you do” part of this verse is not a floodgate to open and allow all kinds of activities; that would also include sinful acts as well. It is whatever you do according to God’s word, the bible.

Jesus said, … “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). If He has all authority, that means there’s nothing left for anyone. That further means, that anything the local church does, has to be according to scripture. Sadly, no one wants to think that way.

Paul wrote in Rom. 14:17, “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” ‘Not eating and drinking’ seems clear enough to me. Just two chapters later Paul writes in 16:18, “For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.” Some will argue that they are in the church parking lot and not inside the church building. How does that justify it? It’s still NOT according to scripture and you’re still calling it a church activity.


What are the Activities of The Church?

The activities of The Church are the same as the work of the church. The reason? The church, which is the congregation itself (not the building), is not a social gathering of any kind. Since we have gone through this before, I’ll share links to previous articles for you to read.  Here, then, is the work of the church:

Teaching the Lost

Edifying the Saved

Benevolence to members


It’s not that we are against members of a congregation getting together for social purposes; it’s simply a matter of not needing to use the church building or property or the name to carry it out. When you find more people attending your social activities than your worship assemblies, then it’s clear you’re sending the wrong message.

As Jesus stated in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” If where you worship is not following scripture, then you need to find a congregation who is.


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