Where do The Dead Live?


Bound for Eternity, pt. 4



Contrary to popular belief, when people die, and leave this mortal realm, they do not immediately go to Heaven (or Hell). The saying, “She’s looking down on us right now” has no merit whatsoever. Instead, there is a place that is more of a “waiting room” of those who left mortality and are waiting for Judgment Day.

Jesus speaks of this place, called Hades, in Luke 16:19-21. There are two sides to Hades; Abraham’s Bosom (Paradise in Lk. 23:43) and Tartarus (Torment in Lk. 16:23). Between the two locations is an impassable gulf. In this article, we will study this passage of scripture.


Not a Parable

Many religious people want to ignore this passage as simply a parable used by Jesus to tell a story. However, in the parables, all of Jesus’ examples are simple scenarios which could actually be a real thing. No names are given; just references to an occupation or social status.

In Luke 16, although the rich man isn’t given a name, the beggar’s name is Lazarus. Abraham and Moses are also referenced in this passage; something not done in the parables. This should then eliminate the notion that this is simply a parable.


Things Learned from this Passage

Our senses still work. In verse 23 and 24, we observe that sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing still work after we die.

Recognition still works. In verse 24, the rich man recognizes Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham.

Vocal cords still work. Lazarus and Abraham hold a conversation throughout the passage.

Memory still works. In verses 27 and 28, the rich man remembers that he has five brothers at his house.

Only facts are given. In verses 29-31, Abraham’s responses to the rich man were straight facts. He didn’t give into emotions or even feel sorry for him and his condition.



While we are still alive, we have to opportunity to change our lives and encourage others, that we know, to do the same. As Jesus said in John 9:4, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” Once we leave this mortal realm, our fates are sealed forever, and we won’t be given a second chance. Change your life today! (2 Cor. 6:2)



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