When it’s an Expedient


Silence of the Scriptures, Part 3



We’ve been looking at the silence of the scriptures; when something hasn’t been revealed. In Deuteronomy 29:29 it is written, "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. If God didn’t give an answer, we shouldn’t look for one. Furthermore, it doesn’t enhance our salvation in any way if we did find one.

In this article we will look at the command given by God and the fact, that with the silence, certain things are then permitted. Provided that it are used as an expedient (or aid) to accomplish the command.


Definition of Expedient

Webster Dictionary~1913, Hastening or forward; hence, tending to further or promote a proposed object; fit or proper under the circumstances. Desirable, advisable, advantageous.


OT Example

Noah builds the ark.
Noah was commanded to build the ark out of gopher wood and he was also given precise measurements to carry it out (Gen. 6:14-16). What tools he was to use and who was allowed to help him was not mentioned. The bible is silent here. We can surmise that Noah was allowed to use tools to complete this project. These are an expedient for him to accomplish the building of the ark.

Since he had three sons, I’m sure he had them help in the construction of the ark. As long as they were working on the ark, as commanded, and not adding extra windows, and trying to get Noah to join them. His command was to build an ark as described and nothing more.


NT Examples

The Command to Sing.
As we showed in our previous article, we are commanded to sing; not play instruments. What isn’t commanded is what we use to sing the songs. The bible is silent here. We are, then, allowed to use song books, sheet music, or a chalkboard. These are expedients as they aid in the command to sing.

We can even use a pitch pipe to obtain the starting note of correct pitch of the song. Some attempt to justify the piano as a means of obtaining the key. But with 88 keys; most of which you’ll never use to pitch a song properly, seems a bit too much. And what’s to stop someone from using the piano to play the song first for everyone to know what the tune sounds like? It’s counterproductive to haul a piano into the assembly just for a handful of notes found on a pitch pipe.


Go Preach the Word

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus tells the apostles, and us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” How we are to go and preach is not given, therefore we can use various modes of transportation as an expedient. Whether we walk, ride a bike, or drive a car we are commanded to go. We can’t just wait from someone to come to us; that isn’t the command. We must go.

When Something isn’t an Expedient

However, if someone in the congregation has a problem with the use of a pitch pipe, and says that’s an instrument, you can teach them differently. If half of your congregation feels that way, then you’ll have to give it up. As the apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:23, All things are lawful; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful; but not all things edify. (ASV)

Although a pitch pipe doesn’t violate God’s word, if numerous people have a problem with it, then it can no longer be considered an expedient. It becomes an obstacle.



We must keep God’s word in mind whenever we decide to use something as an aid to His command. We can’t justify something simply on the basis that it makes the command better based on our opinion.

As Jesus states in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” We can’t proclaim our love to God if we go beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:6)


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