What’s Wrong with...Women Preachers?


Since the late 20th Century we find female preachers becoming more frequent in the religious world. If it were to be challenged by someone, the phrase “Women can do it too”, or “Equal Rights for Women” might be used in answer to these challenges.

I am not saying that women aren’t capable of preaching, nor am I saying that they cannot teach. But if you want to do what’s right, we have to consult God’s Will and that is found in his scriptures.

Order of Authority

Let’s establish the order of authority to see where a woman is placed in rank. The apostle Paul writes of this in 1 Corinthians 11:3, But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. From this verse, we see that God is first, followed by Christ, then man, and finally; woman. This order goes all the way back to the beginning; God (Gen. 1:1), Christ (Gen. 1:26; Jn. 1:1-3), Man (Gen. 2:7), and Woman (Gen. 2:18, 21-23).

To establish this further, we return to what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:8-9, For man is not from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. Woman is the help-meet of Man; therefore, she is to be in submission to him not the other way around. This is not to say that she is a slave to her husband. Many people want to twist what Paul wrote in Eph. 5:22-24, in saying that she is his slave, or he is her superior; man being more dominant that woman. But, if you back up one verse to 21, you’ll read, submitting to one another in the fear of God.  Submission is on the part of both man and woman.

Where Does the Bible Say…?

Next someone might ask, where does the bible say a woman can’t preach? The answer is found in 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. Here it is, in plain English. A woman cannot teach or have authority over man. For a woman to be a preacher would be to violate this command by God. When it comes to the assembly, a woman is to be silent during the worship service; with the exception of singing songs. We know this from God’s command that everyone is to sing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:18).

But Can a Woman Teach?

Can a woman teach if she isn’t permitted to preach? The answer is “Yes!” Even though she is forbidden to preach, she can utilize her time, talent, and studies to teach others. For example, the older women can teach the younger women (Titus 2:3-4) and they can teach children (both boys and girls) in a bible class. When the boys become teenagers, then their studies are turned over to a man. The women can continue to teach the young ladies.

Other Ways to Serve

There are other ways a woman can serve God without usurping the authority of a man. She can greet people when they come into the church building. One of the things frequently overlooked by any one person is the simple welcome to members and visitors to the church building.

She can prepare the Lord’s Supper for the day’s service. Making sure there is enough grape juice and unleavened bread for the assembly. She can also take it upon herself to purchase both items to help keep things in stock.

She can suggest songs to sing. If she knows who the song leader will be, she can ask him to lead a certain song or two. Many women are in tune with the service and can suggest songs that haven’t been sung in a while or ones that would be easy for a certain group size.

She can hand out bible articles and tracts. When not at the church building, she is still Christ’ representative. She can talk to people, both men and women; about the bible or any issue which might be high on the list of topics talked about in the news. Though she still can’t teach men, she can provide contact information of the preacher, or one of the elders, if they have further questions. She can also invite them to services as well.

She can set the example for her family. Naturally, she will set the example for her children. But if her husband is not a Christian, she can continue to set the example for him; while still being in submission to him, to show him that be a child of God is only way to go.

Someone might say that these are unfair because the man is allowed to preach. Is it unfair or is it a matter of women wanting to be on equal footing as with men? Some will see it as sexist not being able to preach. But to desire that authority is not in God’s grand design of things.


Although it is clear that a woman is not permitted to speak in the assembly, nor have authority over a man, it is also clear that there are plenty of things she can do to serve God and the local congregation.

Instead of demanding “Equal rights”, let’s demand “Godly rights” as this will help us on the path to heaven.


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