He who Endures to the end…
Introduction Although salvation is one of the easiest things in the world to do, it is also one of the hardest things to maintain. Scripture states that you are to be faithful unto death (Rev. 2:10). But what if your life is threatened? Will you still be faithful? Will you show loyalty to God and the church; even if it means you forfeit your life? Where’s your Loyalty? Several years ago, I was in one of the store’s Friday Morning Meetings and, in addition to the standard news of sales, profits, and other things; they announced that one of our supervisors was leaving the company. They asked him to say some words; an impromptu farewell speech if you will. And for the next ten minutes he talked about how great a company it was for us all to work for. As he rambled on, I leaned in to one of my co-workers sitting next to me and asked, “If this is such a great company to work for, then why is he leaving it?” My co-worker’s response was, “His old