Resolutions and Other Lies

(To the Christian)


        The countdown begins, Midnight strikes, “Auld Lang Syne” is sung, and a new year is under way. As tradition goes, people make resolutions for the coming year with the promise of changes to improve their lives. Of course, by the week’s end we’ve already reneged on those promises. So why do we make them?

        Every year we make the same resolutions: I’m going on a diet, I’m going to travel more, I will be more outgoing. And yet, just a few days later, we come to the realization that we were rash in our decisions and immediately fall back into routine. The diet is ruined by that extra piece of pie, traveling is out because of a dwindling bank account, being outgoing means having to go outside where *gasp* other people are.

        For those of us who are Christians, instead of making New Year’s Resolutions we should set goals for ourselves for the New Year.

The Work will Continue

        As the New Year Unfolds some changes may happen at your local congregation; new members may join, old members move or pass away, and the need for some to step up and help out comes to light. Regardless of the changes, the work of the church needs to continue. Even if you are without a preacher at the time, the men need to fill in until a replacement is found.

        At our congregation on 8th we have a new preacher beginning to work with us starting in the New Year. Some might take the opportunity to sit back and relax knowing the gospel in safe hands. But should we really rest? The short answer is “No”. The longer answer is now that we don’t need to fill in as preachers, this is the time for us to explore other avenues of the work and expand something we had previously started or launch something new.

        When I began this blog back in October, my goal was to simply move some of my bible articles off of my website and put them in a different location. However, as I looked over those older articles, I realized that I could breathe new life into them as I have matured more as a Christian. Plus, the desire to write brand new articles has come back; something I hadn’t done in over five years.

Some Suggestions to further the Work

        Here are some ideas for you to help continue the work of the local congregation. Some are basic which you never considered to be work; others are a little more involved.

1.   At the church building, greet everyone that comes in. This is so simple, and we should be doing it anyways, yet there are plenty who come into the building and immediately take their seat and won’t move until the service is over. Get up and talk to others, say “Hi” if nothing more. In Heb. 10:24 the writer says, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.”

2.   Suggest a song you’d like to sing to the song leader. Those of us who lead songs sometime have difficulty picking the right songs for the service. By suggesting a song, you help solve that difficulty.

3.   Participate in the Worship Service. Remember, you are not an audience member watching a lecture or performance. You are a participant as worship is what we all do in the assembly. Open your bible during a sermon and follow along, take notes during the lesson, add other scriptures you know of that weren’t mentioned.

4.   Take a tract, sermon outline, or a CD copy of the sermon and pass it out to your friends. Share the gospel with others and invite them to come to service. Instead of asking, “Would you like this?” ask them, “Did you get one of these yet?” The second question makes it sound like they might have been left out of something important and will more than likely take one. Jesus said in Mt. 10:8, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Let people know there are no strings attached to taking the tract or article; whatever you give them. Just ask them to read or listen to it and then get back with you to see what they thought.

5.   Have a presence on Social Media. Most everyone has a Facebook account as well as the other social media sites. An opportunity here is to post the title of upcoming sermons on your page; let people know what time services are and where the building is located. Add a picture to the post as more entries are read when a picture is involved. Share articles you have read, post links to video sermons online and generally show the world you are a Christian.


        As you look towards the New Year, find out what you can do to be more active in your local congregation. Don’t let all of the responsibility fall upon the shoulders of one individual; or a group for that matter. Take the time to see what you can do to help further the gospel. Don’t make a resolution you won’t keep but a daily, weekly, and monthly goal and strive to keep as many as possible.

        If you have further ideas or suggestions, please feel free to comment in the section below.

 Yours in Christ,

Chris Mentzer


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