The Gospel of the Moon, Part 1


        Have you ever looked up at the moon at night and wondered why it doesn’t have a name? Moons of the other planets have names but ours doesn’t. It’s just known simply as The Moon.

Have You heard about Pluto?

        Growing up as a child of the 70s, we learned in school that there are nine planets in our solar system. Yes, I know that Pluto had been downgraded to nothing more than an asteroid but I’ll acknowledge Pluto as a planet to my dying day. Otherwise, I couldn’t use the phrase: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles to memorize the order of the planets from the sun.

        As you think about the other planets, you will recall that each of them has their own set of moons. Mars, for example, has 2 moons; while Jupiter has 63 moons! And each moon has its own name.

        Here on planet Earth we only have one moon and it is just called the moon. Sometimes I feel cheated because all of the other planets have moons with names. However, I realize then that if it’s the only moon why would it have a name? Multiple moons suggest names in order to keep them separate one from another.

Just One

        When there is only one of something, in the whole word, there is no need for it to have a name. It reminds me of The Church which was built. In Matt. 16, when the disciples had returned from the limited commission, Jesus asked them who men say he is and they gave him their responses. In verses 15-18, we pick up this story:

        15. He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" 16. Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  17. Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.  18. "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

If you look at Jesus’ statement in verse 18 he said, “I will build My church”. This indicates that there is only one church that he built. And if he only built one, then there is no need for a name. But if it were to have a name, it would have to be one that was named after the who designed it in the first place; and that would be Christ.

All Others Uprooted

        If there is indeed only one church then why are there so many in the world today? The answer is that man believes that their church is the one and only true church. For example, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints claims to be the true church. But sadly, if you look in the scriptures, it is not mentioned by Jesus or the apostles; nor is it prophesized that it is yet to come.

        All other churches, as well, are not found in scriptures except for the church which Jesus built (Matt. 16:18) and paid for with his blood on the cross (Acts 20:28). His church is given a name, sort of, in Rom. 16:16 in which Paul writes, “Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.” Some might say, “See, Paul wrote the word ‘churches’ which is more than one.” However, if you read the context you will note that Paul is referring to multiple congregations. Each city had its own church, still one, and each is referred to as The Church.

        In regards to all other churches that are not of God’s, they will be uprooted and destroyed in the final day as Jesus discusses in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matt. 13:24-30). He then gives the meaning of the parable in verses 36-43. He is talking about individuals in this parable but it could also represent the collection of congregations. Those who abide by the Will of the Father (Matt. 7:21) will be gathered into the barn, while those who do not obey (Matt. 7:23) will be thrown into the fire (Hell).


        Since there is only One Church this also means that there is only One Faith, One God, and One Baptism (Eph. 4:5). If you are unsure as to whether you are a part of God’s church, search the scriptures for the name of the church you attend. If it’s not in there, then you need to find His Church. If you need any assistance in this matter, feel free to contact me through this blog site.


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