Misuse of Ps. 46:10 Introduction You’ve heard the old phrase, “Take time to stop and smell the roses.” This means that in life, sometimes we get so busy with our day-to-day activity that we don’t stop and appreciate the little things in life. We take for granted the landscape that is before us. If we don’t stop, once in a while, and admire the beauty of God’s creation, we might miss these opportunities when they are no longer available. In Psalm 46:10, the psalmist writes, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (NKJV) Is this the same sentiment as “stop and smell the roses”? Let’s see in this article. Out of Context People today take this verse and use only the first part; Be still, and know that I am God , and plaster it all over things like mugs, T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. It’s to give us the “warm fuzzy” feelings that God want us to remember Him in our busy day-to-day lives. In other words, w