
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Best Commentary on the Bible

    Introduction As Christians develop in their walk with God, a desire to do a deeper study comes along; with a group or alone. Some will turn to commentaries for assistance as previous scholars are known to write much on the various books and verses of the bible. But which is the best one and should I even bother with them at all?   Teaching Bible Class In early 2018, I was given the task to teach the main bible class on Sunday morning. It was a chapter-by-chapter study on the book of Ezekiel. For a novice teacher, such as myself, this isn’t the book you want to start with. However, at the time, I had previously done a personal study with a preacher and felt I had enough of an understanding of the book to be able to teach it to a class. In addition, gave me a bible software with featured bible dictionaries and commentaries from men like Matthew Henry, Albert Barnes, and others. I managed to muddle through the class; skipping a handful of chapters that discussed other ki

How do we know the bible is inspired?

 This week's article is on the inspiration of the scriptures. Click on the link here .

Does the Bible Contradict itself? Part I

    Introduction Several years ago, I was visited by a certain religious group and one of the things that stood out in my memory of that encounter is that they told me that the bible was full of contradictions. Their example is the one I’ll show you, in just a moment, but they went on to say that there were all kinds of contradictions. The question, we’ll look at in this article is, does the bible contradict itself?   Who Saw the Light and heard the Voice? In Acts 9:3-8, tells the story of Saul encountering Jesus on his way to Damascus. Here’s verse 7, And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. However, in Acts 22:6-11, Paul (formerly Saul), recounts the story but in verse 9 it states, “And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me.” This is what they referred to as a contradiction. Let’s examine what we know for sure. First, if we believe that the bible