The Acts of Worship
Introduction We've been looking at the subjects of worship and the church; what is the church, how does one become a member, etc. This week we will look at the acts of worship; the service itself. Since I have broken this down in previous articles I'll provide links for those articles and you can take your time in reading all of them. There are six total as I included "The Invitation" as part of the service. The Acts of Worship Here are the series of articles which include of the acts of worship... Let Us Sing Let Us Pray Let Us Partake (The Lord's Supper) We Give (The Collection) Let Us Study (Preaching the Gospel) The Lord's Invitation Conclusion I hope you've taken the time to read of all of these articles. You will note that this is all that is done in worship to God. If you congregation does more than this, please share in the comments below and add scripture references to where one might find the