Written by Christopher Mentzer (from 2003) I had the opportunity a while back to play a computer called “The Sims”. It’s an interactive game in which you control the everyday lives of these people. Everything they do from giving them a job, to providing housing, entertainment and making friends you have to decide for them. After playing for a while, I noticed that I also had to tell them when to use the bathroom, shower, eat a meal and clean up after themselves. Now this may sound like these people are stupid, but as I mentioned at the start you control these people’s lives. Sometimes we take for granted the little things in life; eating, cleaning up and showering. That’s because we are taught when we are young to do these things so we don’t have to spend a lot of thought process on it. It just becomes natural to us. When Jesus was crucified on the cross for our sins, we sometimes take that for granted. Why? Because